by caratgmi

Thursday 27 March 2014

Renault launches interactive cross-platform campaign with Microsoft Advertising

Car manufacturer Renault is set to launch a new cross-platform campaign with Microsoft Advertising to bring to life its current ‘Life Designed’ campaign.

Created to showcase Renault’s 'people-centric' design philosophy, ‘the cycle of life’ campaign will launch this week with an immersive Ads-in-Apps solution. Adverts will run inside a number of Windows 8 applications on both desktop and tablet.

The interactive experience has been optimised for touch devices and will encourage consumers to engage in ‘the cycle of life’ philosophy, with the aim that they will discover the concept car that represents each step, including love, wisdom, play, work, family and exploration.

Organised into the shape of a flower, each step can be explored in the ad by interactive steps such as tracing the outline of a heart to access the “love” hub, and revealing the matching concept car.

The campaign will drive consumers to the Renault website, where they will find more information on the car maker’s models as previewed in the Ads-in-Apps solution.

Matt Lamprell, digital brand communications manager for Renault UK, said: “We were looking for a way to bring our 'Life Designed' campaign to life - telling the story of useful design across the Renault range.

“The Ads-in-Apps campaign on Windows 8 provides a stunningly beautiful and engaging platform through which we're able to highlight Renault's chief designer Laurens van den Acker's 'cycle of life' concept and the way that our cars and vans combine both style and functionality.”

The ads will be served in all Bing- and Xbox-branded apps on Windows 8, as well as a network of certified third-party apps relevant to Renault’s target audience.

The Ads-in-Apps creative is the second phase of a partnership between the two companies, following sponsored editorial content that launched on the MSN Lifestyle channel in January.


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