by caratgmi

Thursday 27 March 2014


Audi has lots of fans on the Social Web. Audi Germany already has almost 1 million on Facebook. And across other platforms they also enthusiastically express their passion for the brand.

The aim was to thank them for this great response, and at the same time find out what inspires the fans. Their personal reasons and stories should be valued. And the enormous potential of this infectious enthusiasm should be harnessed.

The idea
Desgin, technology, progress, motorsport, tradition, lifestyle or a completely personal experience – there’s a reason behind every “Like”. Audi gives these individual reasons – the #onemillionreasons – a stage and combines them into an impressive digital 3D installation. The best will also be selected and rewarded with a very special thank you: a ride in an Audi R8 V10 – a dream for many Audi fans, and the crowning glory in the Audi model range.

The mechanics
The fans share their reasons with the hashtag #onemillionreasons on Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and Instagram. They are aggragated in real-time on a microsite and displayed as a million small 3D spheres which together form an Audi R8. In this way, fans can express and share their enthusiasm, as well be inspired by the stories of others.

The Technology
With the #onemillionreasons webspecial, Audi brings the brand promise “Vosprung durch Technik” to the Social Web. No matter what the platform, or whether text or image, the contributions can be freely explored within digital space. The visitor navigates playfully and intuitively from reason to reason through the 3D model of the Audi R8 – in the browser directly and without extra Plug-ins. This is made possible by the use of WebGL technology. Every reason, whether text or image, can be displayed in 3D, shared, or saved as a wallpaper.

From online to offline experience
The best reasons were rewarded with Audi R8 Fan Drives: Experience 550 PS and quattro in an Audi R8 V10 at the wheel. An unforgettable experience of a lifetime for the winners.

#onemillionreasons puts the focus on the fans and their passion and enthusiasm for Audi. Their individual stories are more important than any marketing message. Appreciations of the fans, combined with an innovative implementation creates a unique, unprecedented brand experience in the Social Web. The social interpretation of „Vorsprung durch Technik“.


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