by caratgmi

Tuesday 1 July 2014

Watch Chelsea Boss Jose Mourinho discuss his 'fearful personality' in brilliant new Jaguar clip

The Blues boss is regarded as being fearless after a hugely successful managerial career but he claims he is driven by the opposite - which makes him so dangerous

Often referred to as the 'master of mind games', Jose Mourinho has revealed an insight into his fascinating personality.

Here, the Portuguese takes part in Jaguar's #LiveFearless campaign and discloses the microexpressions he tries to hide from the world of football, including raised eyebrows and widened eyes.

And interestingly, Mourinho admits his apparent fearless persona is infact driven by the exact opposite.
"The things I dare to say, the aims I rush to achieve, they are fuelled by fear.
"Every ambitious man is this way. He will try to mask it but if you look closely, you will read fear on his face."
In typical Mourinho-fashion he ends the clip in style, stating: "A man fuelled by fear is a man to be feared."
Powerful stuff!


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