by caratgmi

Thursday 27 March 2014

Skoda freezes car in block of ice to launch Yeti Outdoor

Skoda freezes car in block of ice to launch Yeti OutdoorSkoda freezes car in block of ice to launch Yeti Outdoor
Skoda yesterday froze a car in a block of ice in Covent Garden to mark the launch of the new Skoda Yeti Outdoor.
The stunt came on the back of research from Skoda which suggested that 80 per cent of the public crave more excitement in their lives.
Sarah Chapman, communications manager for Skoda UK, said: "These results confirm that deep down, a large number of us are dreaming of fulfilling our sense of adventure. Everyone has days where they get fed up with the monotony of the day-to-day, thinking of nothing else but the weekend when you can let your hair down and do what you want to do rather than what you have to do.”
The study of 2,000 Brits found that a third dream of escaping their current life at least once a week, while another 51 per cent feel this way at least once a month. It was also discovered that a third have ‘serious plans’ to escape their current day-to-day life.
"This feeling of needing to balance the day-to-day life and the desire for a new adventure is something we, at Skoda, can relate to. This is why we’ve launched the new Yeti and Yeti Outdoor – one perfect for city living, the other built for adventure,” Chapman added.


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