by caratgmi

Sunday 14 July 2013

Heineken tickets travelers for a legendary 'Voyage' in global social experiment via W+K

Heineken_07.JPGHeineken_20[1].JPGChristopher Columbus did it. Marco Polo tried it. Who is willing to take a leap of faith and alter their travel plans for a trip to the unknown? Heineken's global campaign "Voyage" (created by Wieden + Kennedy Amsterdam), has arrived in the U.S. with the debut of a new television commercial "The Voyage", and travel experiment - Departure Roulette (the latter created by W+K New York). 

This omni-channel campaign drops men from across the world into remote global locations, challenges them to become legendary travelers, and shares the stories of their experience.

Travelers 25 years of age or older arriving at JFK Terminal 8 with tickets and passports in-hand will have the bold opportunity to enter a game of Departure Roulette and change their destination for a trip to an exotic location with the press of a button. The twist? They must be willing to drop their existing travel plans and immediately board a plane to the unknown. 
HEINEKEN-1.jpgHEINEKEN-2.jpgThe inspiration for Departure Roulette is "Dropped" - a series of episodic adventures wherein Heineken is sending four men to remote destinations around the world and filming their experience, and the bizarre challenges they face, along the way. 

"The Voyage" TVC, the inspiration for the "Dropped" and Departure Roulette travel experiments, has gone to air on US TV with episodes from the U.S. Dropped adventure launching via and YouTube on July 22nd. Each Dropped experience will encompass three episodes, complemented with behind-the-scenes content. As the third instalment in the online video series, an American from New York City will be "dropped" in the bustling city of Marrakech to survive his own set of challenges - empty desert land, curious locals and unusual modes of transport. 

"Heineken is out to prove that a legendary voyage can't be planned. It should welcome random experiences where improvisation is the only way forward," said Belen Pamukoff, brand director, Heineken. "This summer, in a variety of exciting ways, we are plucking guys from their everyday lives and dropping them into a world unlike anything they've ever seen."


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