by caratgmi

Wednesday 29 May 2013

The One Infographic About the Digital Revolution You Need to Understand

Published in Linkedin on May 7, 2013
One of the challenges of the digital revolution that we’re living through today is its complexity, and the broad range of implications that companies need to wrestle with. Consumers are shopping in different channels, often hopping across them to complete a single purpose – what are the teams you need to have in place to deliver what’s needed across that journey? Consumers are creating showers of data in their wake – how should companies make sense of it, and what skills do they need?

I love this infographic we created not too long ago because it attempts to paint a complete picture of the implications of this revolution. (You can find more on our Pinterest page).

As well as being choc full of useful data, it provides a big picture of what’s going on. This kind of broad perspective is more important than ever because the array of challenges and new technologies create huge temptations to focus on narrow issues without understanding how they fit into the broader business. What this infographic really highlights is that it’s so important to get many things right. Great data insights without a great product? Big waste. Great product that your customers don’t want? Big waste. Wonderful execution of a bad product? Big waste. 

How are you getting the balance across data, design, and delivery right? Who’s doing this well?
Learn more about this topic and others on the McKinsey Chief Marketing & Sales Officer Forum site, and follow us on Twitter @McK_CMSOForum. And please follow me on Twitter@davidedelman.


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